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W o r k s h o p s

Discover the essential questions, insights, practices, tools and teachings to fully awaken

Heaven on Earth in you, your life and the world. Live as the full expression of Heaven that you are.

A Deep Dive into How You Can Easily Make Heaven on Earth Real

Sunday, March 4th  2018

There is a desire in each of us for a world that works. But there is an underlying belief that we as individuals can’t make any fundamental difference, not just in making the sufferings better, but in actually ending them.  We think there’s nothing we can do, the world’s problems are too overwhelming. 

Hope and a much better future lies in creating a new story of what it means to be human and what it means to be humanity. We need a new narrative that touches deep into our souls and engages us to participate in creating the kind of world we long for.  We need a new vision that unleashes what we already know deep in our essence about the kind of world we want, that helps set free our optimism and energy, and that supports us in taking the steps to make our vision for our world real.

We’ve had enough of the Hells on Earth. It’s now time to create Heaven on Earth!

And there’s no need to wait!  We can start now.  Doesn’t the journey of a thousand miles start with a single step?

We feel we want to do something, deep in our hearts, deep in our souls, which will actually take our planet to its next evolutionary level.  

                                                                 This workshop not only names the new story….

                                                                ’We are experiencing and co-creating

                                                          Heaven on Earth’…it also shows you simple,

                                                                 easy, concrete ways you can engage.    

                                                           It shows you how the deeply held yearning

                                                                    of your Soul for the kind of world

                                                             you long for…can and is being made real.



Co-creating Heaven on Earth provides a global framework for you and  others to enter this new story and build this kind of world. It affirms your unique individual gifts and establishes the new global story in which you can experience your actions making an impact on the common good of humanity.

You’ll learn what others, all around the world, are doing as their contribution to co-creating Heaven on Earth.  You’ll discover what your own contribution to a planet that works is and how to turn the new story on.

If we had a magic wand wouldn't we want to have Heaven on Earth? Isn’t that what we, Humanity, are here for?  Isn’t that our common collective work?


Unfortunately, the minority is controling the world’s agenda today.  No more.  It’s now time for the vast majority of people in the world who want a good and decent and working world to be in charge of building our new world story.

Historically, the problem with world visions is that they seek to impose their view, “Follow my way and it will all work.” But imposing a vision never works. It can’t because it removes the freedom to choose.  The vision of creating Heaven on Earth is different in a very significant way. It doesn’t impose, it evokes. It evokes the global vision that already lives within each of us. 

Once people are given the opportunity to discover their own truth about the kind of world they want and feel free to talk about it a powerful transformation occurs. A part of themselves they’ve always known, but haven’t met, is revealed.  And once this evoked vision of Heaven on Earth is unleashed, a simple, powerful, and effective creativity emerges that begins positively impacting the world.


We can begin to have the kind of world we long for.  We can begin living a new story of what it means to be human and what it means to be humanity.  We can begin creating Heaven on Earth now. 

Discovering What Heaven on Earth is For You

Saturday, March 3rd  2018

Here is what you'll get by attending the Heaven on Earth Workshops:

“I had a dream once of a long dining table, yards long, 

at which guests carried on animated, 

fascinating conversations with one another. 

I sat in on many of them, wide-eyed like a child, 

taking in all the exciting ideas flying around the table. 

People were talking about how the world could be 

and what it would take to create Heaven on Earth.” 

-  Marianne Williamson

In this workshop you will, for sure:

  • Realize that you do know, at a very deep level, what Heaven on Earth is for you and the world.

  • Discover the one simple, easy, concrete step that you can take in the 24 hours after the course to get into action on making Heaven on Earth real.

  • Be inspired by seeing three powerful examples of what others are doing, in different parts of the world, to make Heaven on Earth real. 

  • Uncover the eight Gateways into Heaven on Earth.

  • Move Heaven on Earth in your heart and in your mind from:  “It’s Impossible" to “It’s Possible” to “Here’s what I’m doing to make Heaven on Earth real." 

In this workshop you will go much deeper into Heaven on Earth.  You will: 

  • Discover the common Roadblocks and Mis-Beliefs that arise when people begin thinking about Heaven on Earth.  (“It’s impossible.”  “It’s Naive.”  “It’s beyond belief.” “We’ve never had it before.") You’ll discover the elegant way to both honour these, dissolve them, and move powerfully forward.

  • Explore each of the eight Gateways into Heaven on Earth, in depth, so you can discover which one is for you and how to support others in finding the Gateway that’s right for them.

  • See what fifteen different people, from all around the world, are doing to make Heaven on Earth real.  You’ll be inspired by the simplicity of what they’re doing and you’ll be amazed at the results they’re easily producing.   

  • Experience the direct impact on you of Heaven on Earth as ‘The New Story of What It Means to Be a Human and What It Means to Be Humanity.’ 

  • Leave feeling inspired and committed to take actions to make your dream of Heaven on Earth a living reality.

"Heaven on Earth is our destiny to live and our legacy to leave."

-  Barbara Curl 

TIME:     5:00-8:00 P.M.

PLACE:  Europski dom, Jurišićeva 1, Zagreb
COST:    45EUR (340 kn)
ENROLLMENT:, 091/2333 505
(additional contacts:, 091/5355 197)

TIME:     10:00 A.M.- 5:00 P.M. (with a break)

PLACE:   Europski dom, Jurišićeva 1, Zagreb
COST:     70EUR (520 kn)
ENROLLMENT:, 091/2333 505
(additional contacts:, 091/5355 197)


Workshops are in English, with Croatian translation.

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